Shawn and I taught at a middle school in Yong Ning this Friday. It's an extremely poor school. Shawn taught one other time at this school, but it was the first time I had been there. This time they had called in all of the English teachers and education leaders of Yong Ning to come have a "meeting" and then observe our teaching. Shawn had to give a speech. The hilarious part is that this guy wrote the speech for him. "China is such a great country... Kong Fu is so wonderful... I have always dreamed of coming to the great country of China... This school is so great... The headmaster is an excellent leader.. etc." You get the idea. Shawn changed a few things in the speech when he read it that were the furthest from the truth, but we're pretty sure they got translated as he was supposed to read it not as he spoke it. There were also TV cameras and newspaper reporters there taking photos and interviewing Shawn and some students. It was quite the ordeal. Then they took us out for dinner and taught us some new Chinese games. It was exhausting. The kids were wonderful though. It was the leaders and the interviewers that took the most out of us! It's rough being practically famous!
I am going to be so attention starved when I get back...
If you want I will periodically stress you out by following you around the house with a camera asking you incessant questions and then demand that you answer them with a prescripted speech about the greatness of myself.
That would actually be really helpful :) If you could pay some of the neighborhood kids to point and stare every so often too that would be great.
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