Thursday, April 23, 2009


My friend Vivien getting acupuncture!

You know... to prove I was there :)
(I know... I'm a dork)

The electromagnetic lamps above her...

The actual needles. Some looked rusty...

This was apparently the most painful part

She had to lay like this for an hour... notice the wires attached to some of the needles! When he turned that little box on some of the needles started wiggling around a bit!

A pretty good friend of mine asked me to come along to her acupuncture session with her. She was really nervous. However, she was more than willing to be a model and said we (my friend Jen went too) could take as many pictures as we wanted. Hope you enjoyed!

By the way, there is also a video if anyone is interested...


Dr. Kev said...

"You know... to prove I was there" Yeah right, it looks like you photoshopped yourself in the picture.

amber said...

rusty needles? Do they use the same needles for everyone? Isn't that a health hazard? Can you get aids from acupuncture?

I probably worry too much.