Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We're Home...

I haven't written in a while, because frankly nothing we do really seems worth writing about anymore. We have no beautiful children (yet!) to update the friends and relatives about. We have no fascinating or even mildly interesting hobbies or talents. No scientific breakthroughs coming from this blog, no home ownership or pets. We've got nothing.

I'll post anyway.

I've been working at the Country Inns and Suites for the last few weeks to take the financial edge off until I find a job in Milwaukee. I've really been enjoying it a lot. Almost everyone remembers me and it's fun to jump right back into the inside jokes and whatnot. I quite enjoy the staff and may even transfer to a Country Inns and Suites in Brookfield, Wi. I'll let you know.

We've been able to spend some time with the nieces and nephews, which has been delightful. It will be so nice to be able to go to more family events and just be around.

Shawn is enjoying his very last summer of freedom by being a "lay-about and do nothing" as Lucas so lovingly puts it. He'll start law school August 24th and after that he will never have freedom like this again. He's making the most of it by sleeping until I wake him up when I get home from work at noon every day. At least he's appreciative. Besides, the minute he gets a job I'm just going to start having babies and never work again. :) Right?

Well, that's about it. Love you all!